

伤感句子 2022-04-11 18:55:41144本站admin



Life is a road of constant choice and journey. No matter good or bad, whether you accept the reality or not, as long as you live, you must constantly make various choices.


The quiet of middle-aged people is wearing a mild mood, immersed in the warmth of time, writing the poetry of life, listening to the sound of flowers, watching a tree bloom in spring and snow fall in winter. Their mood flows with the season and enjoying the changes of scenery.


In the corner of the season, you can count the years, hide your story in the depths of the years, and turn the failure of life into a sentimental season.


Silence is a kind of practice, which can cultivate ones mind and cultivate ones nature. In times of distress, calm down and let yourself feel life with your heart, but this is only impermanence and ordinary. If you tangle with it, you can only destroy your mood, and nothing else will help.


So what is decency? True decency is face and prestige for the outside world, and it is not to lose human dignity at any time for yourself. True decency is not to go with the tide, but to stick to the bottom line of being a man at any time. A person is safe if he is polite, and dangerous if he is not polite.

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